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Unlock the secrets to a thriving wedding business

Stop Hiding and Start Showing Up in Your Wedding Business

January 28, 2024

Hello, I'm DANA
Event Planner turned OBM dedicated to wedding pros effortless growth with time-efficient strategy to showcase your creativity. Let's connect!

In the fast-paced world of the wedding industry, where success stories are abundant, hiding behind your work could be a major roadblock to the growth and recognition your wedding business deserves. In this blog post, I want to addresses the common issue of talented men and women not showing up in their marketing and how it impacts their ability to grow a successful wedding business. Because let’s face it, you’re not just building any business; you’re crafting one with purpose. A business that wakes you up every morning, eager to serve your clients and make a significant impact in your own life. You deserve to book those dream clients, grow your business, and achieve the success you’re aiming for. So, let’s unpack why you might be hiding and how we can turn things around.

You know the story: a talented person dreams of an extraordinary business, sees others doing amazing things, but hesitates to put themselves out there. Maybe that’s you right now—hiding from Instagram, dodging marketing, considering yourself a behind-the-scenes wizard. I get it, and I’m here for you, but that approach won’t cut it if you’re serious about growth.

Scaling a business in the wedding industry demands more. It means stepping out, showing your face, meeting people, and yes, even embracing uncomfortable situations like being in front of the camera or speaking on stage. I’m not going to sugarcoat it: consistency is key. You’ve got to push yourself to learn, to do, and to do it regularly. If you’re serious about growth, then you can no longer afford to hide in your marketing. People need to know you, and you need to show up. Effective marketing is like the holy trinity—social media, blogging, and SEO. Neglect them, and you’re looking at low bookings, no bookings, and stunted growth.

Look at the businesses you admire. They didn’t get there by chance. They showed up, spoke about their work, networked, and marketed relentlessly. If you want to emulate that success, you need to start putting yourself out there. It’s not luck; it’s pure work. And it’s time for you to get to work.

Marketing is not just important; it’s essential. If you’re not marketing your services, you don’t have customers, and without customers, you don’t have a business. I get it; it’s scary. I’ve been there. Five years ago, I wouldn’t have dreamed of recording a podcast episode or sharing video content. Excuses were my anthem—lose 10 pounds, get a better camera, better lighting, make sure the kids are outside. Sound familiar? But guess what? It gets easier with practice. If I can do it, so can you.

Let’s address the common reasons why we hide in our marketing: fear of judgment, fear of rejection, fear of failure, and even fear of success. It’s time to get over these hurdles. Most people are too busy with their own lives to judge you harshly. You’re holding yourself back from realizing your full potential because of an imaginary critic. Let that sink in. We’ve all faced rejection. It stings, but protecting yourself by not putting yourself out there costs you success. It’s playing it too safe, and it tells me you’re settling for less than you desire. Remember why you started this business? Don’t let the fear of rejection hold you back.

Fear of failure is common, but so is the fear of success. It’s okay to be scared, but don’t let it paralyze you. Embrace the fact that action creates clarity. The first time is hard, but it gets easier. Your next step becomes clearer with each action.

So, here’s my challenge to you. Take a risk. Do that thing you’ve been avoiding. Go live on Instagram, collaborate with others, seek out opportunities, raise your voice, and start taking risks. Push yourself outside your comfort zone because that’s where growth happens.

Imagine bringing back that “fresh energy” to your business when you first took the leap into launching in the first place. Picture marketing the pants off of it, being everywhere, shouting from the rooftops that you’re open for business, collaboration, and opportunities. You’ve got this magical energy; it’s time to channel it.

It’s as simple as getting social, collaborating, seeking out opportunities, raising your voice, and taking risks. Remember, nobody can market your business like you can. So, get out there, start talking about your business, and be your biggest advocate.

Why wait? The time is now. Show up, market your business, and let’s make those dreams a reality.

Your dream clients are waiting – discover how to make them yours


Actionable Steps to Bring Back Fresh Energy:

  1. Get Social: Step out of your comfort zone, attend networking events, and engage in face-to-face interactions.
  2. Collaborate: Rediscover the joy of collaborating with others in your industry. Take risks and explore new partnerships.
  3. Seek Opportunities: Instead of waiting, actively seek out opportunities. Propose ideas, pitch collaborations, and don’t be afraid to start the conversation.
  4. Raise Your Voice: Literally and figuratively. Don’t just be seen; be heard. Share your opinions, insights, and experiences to build your brand.
  5. Take Risks: Challenge yourself to do something outside your comfort zone. The more you do it, the easier it becomes. Action creates clarity.

I encourage wedding professionals to get serious about marketing. You must be your biggest advocate. With a call to action, she urges business owners to get up and start marketing today, using any frustration or envy as fuel to propel their businesses forward.

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